Our son learned a lot of independence in school and I wasn't about to lose ground on that front. An independent child is a wonderful thing! After talking to a veteran home-schooling mom, I derived my plan of attack. The planner system.
Our son and I have matching planners (well, mine is purple and his is blue- but the guts are the same). I take my planner on Sunday afternoons and fill it with all the stuff he is to accomplish for that week. Then, on Monday morning, he copies all the assignments in his planner for the week. This is not busywork! This teaches responsibility, ownership, leadership and organization.....this is how:
For example, if I have to leave for a doctors appointment on Tuesday morning, I can say, "Get your planner, the books you need, put it in a bag, and I will meet you in the van in 15 minutes." No more detailed instructions, repeating myself, or forgetting anything. He has gotten very good at collecting his things and keeping track of them because of this system.
Also, it affords him a measure of freedom. I told him that he can accomplish his tasks in the order he sees fit. He does have to accomplish everything in his day block by 2:30/ 3:00pm though.
He may not want to do Math at the same time every day and now he doesn't have to. He can do History first one day, and Reading the next. It's his choice. Once he completes a task, he crosses it out. And, of course, I check up on him and correct his work. There is accountability there too.
See a sample page of my planner below:
This system has also afforded me a level of freedom. He will attack assignments and ask for help when needed. Because of this system, I do not have to spoon feed everything to him.
I hope this helps, gives you some ideas or just confirms what your doing is right for your family. Either way, I wanted to share one of the things that worked for us last year....the planner system.
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