Monday, August 13, 2012

Redirect the Light

How many times have I had to tell my kids your attitude is your choice?  It has been my mantra lately.  One child might end up with less ice cream on their cone or may have 10 minutes less play time on the Wii.  Can you guess the attitude they might have?  The horrific tragedy is followed with whining, tears, or both in a huge  display of sadness.  Sound familiar at all?  Our kids are constantly comparing what the others have- and even though they gotten quite good about outward selfishness, I know there's still a tally going on up in their "brain filing cabinets".

Unfortunately, I have seen children wallow in a funk for hours.  Why have we as parents not been more quick to say, "yes, this stinks, I am sorry for you, but you need to snap out of it and be thankful for what you do have?"  I think it's hard for us to see when we're in the midst of it, and I think we as parents suffer from the same stuff and don't realize it.  I need God's strength, for I can not do this parenting thing alone.

We are surrounded by so many things... new cars, houses, items, electronic doohickeys, sports, activities etc...that we are hurried, frustrated, longing for more, working for more etc.  Isn't it the same as a child getting upset because they wanted the bigger cupcake?  They (because they are children) get caught up in the things that we think are so RIDICULOUS!  But, that's what we are doing too.  It's during these moments that I need to ask for God's help once again, to have the strength to see my weaknesses so that I might be a strong example for my children in Thankfulness.

So next time your child is lost in their funk and can't seem to see the light (over something completely trivial)- look at where you've been focused.  Redirect yourself so that God's light might bounce off you as a reflection of thankfulness to your child.

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